I Havent Cut Hair in a Year but I Want to Start Again

Its been a bit of busy year for me, and as I'm away at school for 90% of the year I really haven't had the time to get my hair cut. This time last year I had a big chop, and cut it to my ears, now its about two inches or three inches below my shoulders. I have fairly thin hair, but a lot of it! Now, I was really concerned that this was going to give me splits end galore! But it really hasn't. My hair, if anything, is healthier than it was when I had it cut. I had a hairdresser look at my hair the other week (not getting it cut, was getting it styled for a friends party) and she said my hair was in lovely condition, and I had virtually no split ends. She even said herself that it would a waste of money just going for a trip with the condition its in.

This made me think that maybe this whole 6 weeks thing is a complete myth. I used to get my hair done every 6 six weeks, and it made literally no difference to my hair. Thoughts?

It's different for everyone. Shorter styles require more maintenance (as in, they need to be cut more often) as do those which are constantly coloured or have a lot of treatments on them. I haven't been to the hairdressers in about a year and a half, but I rarely use straighteners and just blow dry it. Saying that, I will be going soon because my hair has just got to a really boring point and it annoys me now.

If you're happy with it, then don't change it.
I can't remember the last time I got my hair cut because it doesn't suit me when it's short and I don't trust the "professionals" who always seem to go wrong. The last time I got it cut I had layers done so nothing there has changed - the longest layer now comes between my bra strap and lower back dimples and I'm perfectly happy with that. Before I started wearing a hijab (3 months ago) I would usually cut my own fringe because I'm very particular about my hair and I don't trust anyone else with it.

I think it is a confidence thing for some people but I don't think it's worth the 45mins or so of small talk with the hairdresser who you know doesn't really care where you're going on holiday this year. If I was allowed to have my headphones in listening to music then I'd be fine with it. Plus it never looks as good as I think it will, or it looks good but isn't practical, like my side fringe falls in my face or whatever.

well mine hasn't been cut since just before xmas and it's fine, i can see like 1 split end out of 1000... i usually get it done every 6 months or so.. def not 6 weeks! then again i find my "natural" grown out style suits me best so i don't really have a cut to keep up...

I've gone years without haircuts before! I'm currently growing my hair out to waist length so won't be visiting a hairdresser for a while. So many hairdressers I've been to have been too scissor happy.

I had mine cut a few weeks ago for the first time in 18 months and the hairdresser was very surprised at the condition, literally just the ends needed trimming

I've not had my hair cut for about 9 months and check for split ends regularly and it's in good shape at the moment. I don't dye or use too much heat on my hair though, so that could be one of the reasons why. We're all different, you do what works for you

I've never understood the point of getting it cut every six weeks, it's pointless unless you have a very short or defined style.

I rarely get mine done professionally, it's overpriced and I get bored. I cut the length and fringe myself, sometimes use a razorblade on the layers. My hair's long and thick, plus I like to wear it a bit dishevelled, so any little mistakes aren't noticeable whenever I tell people I cut it myself they're always shocked, my hair's one of the main things I get complimented on.

I take a tiny bit off the length probably every month or so, but if I was paying for it, I'd definitely leave it a lot longer between trims

I left my hair well over a year before the last time I got it cut. Everyone said it looked lovely, it felt fine, good even. I didn't use hairdryers or straighteners on it which I think worked beautiful.


Source: https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1981835

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